

Analoge- og digitale giverløsninger

Stem har ansvaret for utviklingen og gjennomføringen av alle LHLs analoge giverkampanjer – med gode resultater gjennom mange år.

LHL er den ledende organisasjonen og det viktigste fellesskapet for mennesker med hjerte-, kar- og lungesykdom, allergi, hjerneslag, afasi og deres pårørende. Med nærmere 54 000 medlemmer, 250 lokallag, interessegrupper og nettverk har LHL gitt folk et bedre liv i 80 år.

Gjennom flere år har Stem jobbet frem konsepter både for faste og sporadiske givere, som har vært svært suksessfulle inntektskilder.

”Through collaboration, we have created  good concepts that we believe in and that provide profitable customer relations and donor campaigns. This has contributed to an increased and stable income, which benefits LHL’s work.

At Stem (formerly Artisti Dialog) I experienced very good and secure project management, skilled, and not least, pleasant employees who challenge and are innovative. Our input and needs were met in a friendly and professional manner, and I feel they have a genuine desire for us to achieve our goals and succeed in our work.

The deliveries are punctual and the quality is evident in every aspect. In addition, they are competitive on price, which is an important factor in our industry.

I am very satisfied with the collaboration Stem.”

– Helen Chanett Skjennum, collection manager LHL

In addition to LHL’s main sources of income, which are membership fees and fundraising campaigns, they also use several digital channels to supplement the analogue activities.

Together we have, among other things, developed a separate full-service program for the LHL lottery. This includes the entire value chain – from the development and operation of online solutions, the production of lottery tickets and graphic campaign materials to winnings. Distribution, customer service and reporting are done by our sister company Artisti Campaign.

The development of has been done in Magento 2, the world’s leading e-commerce platform. Magento 2 is a so-called ”open source” solution, which allows for a large degree of adaptation to the needs of our customers.

Feel free to contact us for an informal chat about profitable income campaigns!